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Frequently Asked Questions

hoijilwmp posted @ 2015年6月22日 10:22 in 未分类 , 145 阅读


What do I need to bring with me to sign up Wholesale NFL Jerseys to an Edge membership?

Monthly Customers need to complete a direct debit form at the Edge reception which needs to be signed by the account holder. All customers will need to bring a valid payment method to make a pro rata payment Cheap Jerseys from joining date. University of Leeds students also need their student number to complete sign up.

Annual University of Leeds students will need to bring their student number and a valid payment method. All other members just need to bring a valid payment method.

Will I get a card when I join? If you are a student, you will use your student card to access all sports facilities. If you are a staff, alumni or public member, you will receive a green membership card when you join.

What Facilities am I entitled to use with my membership?

Staff members and students at the University of Leeds are entitled to use all of our facilities including The Edge, Cromer Terrace, Gryphon and Sports Park Weetwood (time restrictions may apply). Public and alumni members are entitled to use the Fitness Suite, Swimming Pool and classes and can use our other facilities for an extra charge.

What is the latest time I can enter if I have time limits on my membership?

Last entry for all timed sessions is 30 minutes before the end of your permitted period.

Will I be able to use the pool and gym if I have a sports pass membership?

The Pool and Fitness Suite are not included in a sports pass membership; however you will be able to use the Pool or Fitness Suite on a pay as you go basis and at a slightly reduced rate than non members.

How have the membership categories been chosen? Why for example is there no swimming only membership?

We have consulted widely with our customers and stake holders in developing the membership structure. The feedback we received very clearly indicated that customers preferred an inclusive membership package which was differentiated by access times. However, for swimmers that do not want to take advantage of any of our membership offers, we do provide an opportunity to buy discounted package of swims to offer great value 12 for the price of 10.

Does the sports pass include use of the Gryphon weights room?

Yes, for members of the Gryphons Clubs and only at those times arranged with the Gryphons Strength and Conditioning Coach and if you have had a separate Gryphon room induction.

What are the peak times?

The premium times are 12 noon 2pm and 4pm 7pm on weekdays. These times apply to the Fitness Suite and Swimming Pool and are available to Premium Edge members only, or those who wish to pay as you go. Recent usage figures suggest that our most popular times are currently Wholesale NFL Jerseys 2pm 6pm which differ slightly to our premium times.

Can I get change for the lockers?

You need to bring a pound coin (returnable) to operate the lockers. Alternatively, to save you hunting around for a pound coin, we have Edge keyrings that can operate the lockers which are available to buy from reception.

What refreshments are available at The Edge?

Work will take place during early August 2014 to replace the caf with a Costa Express, improved vending offer and improved seating area. During this time there will be a vended coffee offer in The Edge or alternatively the Waterside Caf is 2 minutes from The Edge and serves Costa Coffee plus a range of sandwiches, Panini snacks and cakes.


Does my student annual membership run for an academic year or calendar year?

All our annual memberships run for a full calendar year, 365 days. If you buy an annual upgrade this will match your original annual end date. wholesale jerseys If you buy a Halls membership upgrade this will run until your contract end date (not a full calendar year).

Can I cancel an annual membership?

What if I am a student and finish or permanently withdraw from my course?

When a University student finishes or permanently withdraws from their programme of study within 6 months from when the student Cheap NFL Jerseys accepts the terms and conditions of their annual membership, a percentage fee will be refunded. If it is within 3 months of acceptance 50% of the fee paid will be refunded to you. If between 3 and 6 months, 25% of the fee paid will be refunded. There will be no refund if the individual leaves more than 6 months after acceptance. Confirmation of leaving may be required by you.

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