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excellent schools standard for headship

hoijilwmp posted @ 2015年6月22日 10:23 in 未分类 , 12303 阅读

1. He/she provides appropriate vision, leadership and direction to ensure high standards of education for all the children and young people in their care so that they can become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. To achieve this, the headteacher works with and is accountable to others to ensure that the school is organised and managed to meet its aims and targets, and is a creative, disciplined learning environment. Each school will present different challenges reflecting the school's circumstances Fake Men Ray Ban Mirror Sunglasses and the communities they serve.2. The Standard for Headship:2.1 The purpose of this Standard is to define the leadership and management capabilities of headteachers. It defines the professional actions required of effective headteachers, acknowledges the changing context in which they operate and takes account of the many challenges which they face. It serves to inform, challenge and enthuse headteachers, and those aspiring to headship, and to offer a template against which they can match their experiences and skills in order to determine their strengths and areas for development.2.2 The Standard analyses the role of the headteacher into Professional actions, and three essential elements which are:Strategic vision, values and aims,Knowledge and understanding, andPersonal qualities and interpersonal skills.2.3 Although the professional actions and the essential elements are listed and detailed separately, it is important to emphasise that in professional practice, they are always fully interdependent. How they interdepend in practice will reflect the individual contexts in which different headteachers work. The diagram below outlines the relationship between the elements of the Standard and the central responsibilities of the headteacher.3. Professional actions of the headteacher:3.1 This element outlines the main areas of professional action for headteachers. If headteachers are to be effective, they require both to lead and to manage. Leadership develops shared vision, inspires and creates commitment and embraces risk and innovation. Management develops systems which limit uncertainty, even out differences, and improve consistency and predictability in delivering the service.3.2 Five main areas of professional action are identified below by the Standard. However in practice most actions and decisions taken Fake Men Ray Ban Gradient Sunglasses by headteachers involve several areas at the same time. It would be difficult, for example, to lead learning and teaching without also leading people; difficult to lead change and improvement without also using resources effectively. The outline of each of the five areas included here in the Standard is further described through the examples in the Illustrations section. The order in which they are described does not imply any particular hierarchy or priority.3.3 The effective practice of headship involves using the three essential elements strategic Fake Men Ray Ban Mix Match Sunglasses vision, values and aims; knowledge and understanding; and personal qualities and interpersonal skills in making appropriate decisions and taking the appropriate action in specific school situations to enable children and young people to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.3.4 Headteachers require to work within a broad range of accountabilities to achieve school goals in order to serve the best interests of children and young people. Headteachers:3.4.1 Lead and manage learning and teachingEnsuring that effective learning and teaching takes place is a central responsibility of headship. Headteachers develop a culture of respect and good behaviour, create an appropriate ethos, set high expectations, support and encourage good practice and regularly monitor and evaluate the quality of learning in the school. They embrace the principles of inclusion, have an understanding of the impact of discrimination and poverty, develop strategies to counter these and provide pastoral care to children and young people. They offer effective leadership and management of the overall curriculum, to ensure that school based decisions are Fake Men Ray Ban Mirror in accordance with the general principles of good curriculum design outlined in "A Curriculum for Excellence".3.4.2 Lead and develop peopleHeadteachers promote ambition; demonstrate a clear commitment to collegiality and to developing, empowering and supporting effective teams and individuals. This includes building school capacity by developing leadership in others. By engaging with those in the school community and beyond, they build a learning community which supports achievement and attainment. In taking these actions, headteachers work within the structure of employment legislation, national and local agreements, and policies governing employment.3.4.3 Lead change and improvementHeadteachers support and maintain existing good practice and encourage and promote constant improvement in the development of children and young people. They demonstrate personal commitment to continuous improvement through self evaluation, together with skills in problem solving, creative thinking, strategic planning, in implementing change, in the use of quality assurance strategies to judge the need for and effectiveness of change, and in providing support for staff, children and young people and parents.3.4.4 Use resources Fake Men Ray Ban Aviator Sunglasses effectivelyHeadteachers make best strategic and operational use of available resources to create, maintain and Fake Men Ray Ban Mix Match monitor an appropriate learning environment for effective learning and teaching, and to support continuous improvement. This should include appropriate delegation of tasks to members of the senior management team and other staff. In taking these actions, headteachers take due account of audit, Fake Men Ray Ban Aviator child safety, health and safety requirements, human resource management and other legislative and policy requirements in relation to public service and public spending.3.4.5 Build communityHeadteachers develop and maintain partnerships with parents, children and young people, other Fake Men Ray Ban Gradient services and agencies and in doing so extend the educational vision to embrace an agenda of lifelong learning. They create a culture of respect and inclusion and a common commitment to the broader community and to the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral, social and cultural wellbeing of children and young people and their families.4. Essential elements:The next three elements in the Standard are expressed through effective professional action. Different headteachers in different situations call on different 'blends' of these elements.4.1 Strategic vision, values and aimsThis element is concerned with the headteacher's professional values and commitment to children and young people, to equality of opportunity, to ethical practice, democratic values and to lifelong learning. Headteachers exemplify in their personal and professional life, and in the way they lead the learning community, the vision and ethos they seek to develop throughout the school.4.1.1 Vision and standards:Headteachers lead in the creation of a shared strategic vision and aim for the school, which inspire and motivate children and young people, staff and all members of the school community and its partners and sets high standards for every learner.

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